The Legal Stuff
T’s and C’s
Familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions of service
Terms and Conditions
- Fees will be determined by EDIFY MATHS and are binding on the parents/guardians of the enrolled AGREEMENT/FINANCE – If the pupil/s are enrolled at the end of a calendar year they will automatically be enrolled for the next calendar year unless notice of cancelation is given. All fees paid on a monthly basis are to be paid by Debit order.
- Fees are calculated over an 11-month period, with the exception being December. Fees exclude optional exam preparation session.
- Fees are to be paid by Debit Order.
- All students enrolled will be charged an enrolment fee of R650, this is only charged in the month of enrolment.
- Prime interest +2% will be levied on all accounts outstanding by more than 15 days.
- Workbooks will be given to all learners. These work books cover the entire years’ work. The printing fees will be charged with the first account. Gr 1-12 – R705 per subject. This workbook will remain the property of Edify.
- A 5% discount fee is offered to all 3 term campuses and a 4% discount is offered to all 4 term campuses.
- EDIFY MATHS reserves the right to refuse access to the centre should any of the above payment options not be adhered to. The onus is on the parent/guardian/s to ensure that payments are made.
- In the event that the parents/guardians decide to cease the lessons, a one-month written notice must be given in writing. The parents/guardians will be liable for any fees until the end of the notice period.
- All Guests/Visitors entering onto the Edify Maths property do so entirely at their own risk.
Right of Admission is reserved. - All guests/visitors agree to indemnify Edify Math its owners and employees and hold it blameless against acts or omissions not directly or indirectly related to our gross negligence or acts and occurrences beyond our reasonable control.
- Edify Maths its owners and employees will not be held liable for any loss, theft, fire or damage to any personal belongings. Edify Maths, its owners and employees, shall not be held liable for loss of life, bodily injury or damage to or loss of property or vehicles parked at any of the Edify Maths centres.
- It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made to make up lessons that are missed well in advance.
- Edify charges fees on a monthly basis and not per lesson. Should lessons be missed, the fees will remain payable.
- Edify reserves the right to change fees with prior written communication to parents.